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Help Center

My Pets

Your Details

This is your personal space within the app! The My Profile page lets you make changes to your profile, add a profile picture, and manage your beloved pets.

The top part of the page is where you can update your first and last name, which we'll use in the app, invoices, and statements. You can also add your address, email, and phone number, which helps us keep in touch with you about updates and allows our staff to collect your pets. If you need to, you can also log out of the app from here.

My Pets

This section is all about your furry friends! You can add, edit, or delete information about your pets. To add a new pet, simply tap the + button at the bottom right of the screen. To edit or delete a pet's details, tap the edit or delete icons next to their name.

Pet Details

When adding or editing a pet, you'll need to provide some information about them, such as their gender, date of birth, size, breed, and more. Don't worry, it's all straightforward! This information helps us provide the best services for your pet and ensures we can take good care of them in case of an emergency, like contacting your vet.

Pet Profile Picture

You can also add a profile picture for your pet, which makes it easy to identify them when booking a service.