Our Story

Our Story

Meet Pete and Sarah Stevens, the passionate and dedicated founders of K9 Adventures. Their journey began with a love for dogs and a desire to create a safe, enjoyable environment for pets. As their business grew, so did the challenges, particularly in managing the day-to-day administrative tasks. Whether it was keeping track of bookings coming in through WhatsApp, text, email, or knowing whether the cash falling from behind the sun visor was a lottery win or a cash collection from a customer, the business was growing faster than the processes could keep up. Sarah found herself spending more time on paperwork than with the dogs she loved. This sparked the idea for a solution that would streamline operations and allow her to focus on what truly mattered – the pets.

Technology Partner

Technology Partner

To bring their vision to life, Pete and Sarah partnered with Agile Cyber Solutions, a leading technology company with over 12 years of expertise in software development. This collaboration was instrumental in creating PawPal, a powerful and user-friendly app designed to simplify the complexities of running a pet care business. Agile Cyber Solutions' deep understanding of both technology and the unique needs of the pet care industry ensured that PawPal was built to deliver real impact.



With a shared commitment, Pete, Sarah, and Agile Cyber Solutions continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in pet care technology. This collaboration was the driving force behind PawPal, ensuring that the app is both robust and easy to use. Together, they have developed a suite of cutting-edge features that not only simplify bookings and enhance communication but also provide insightful analytics to help businesses thrive. Over the past 10 years, K9 Adventures has grown 200X, and Pete and Sarah attribute much of their success to the capabilities that PawPal provides.

Initially, PawPal was developed to ease the workload for Sarah, making administrative tasks more manageable and allowing her to focus on the dogs. The app's success was undeniable, and soon, fellow business owners took notice. They inquired about the app, eager to streamline their operations as well. As they became users of PawPal, they too experienced significant growth in their businesses. With PawPal, not only could they manage bookings and reconcile invoices more easily, but they could also spend more time working on the business and with the dogs.

Don't just let PawPal be their pal alone, let it be your pal too! Contact us today to see how PawPal can revolutionize your pet care business.